What follows are three concept designs for the client’s 16,100 SF large scale, multi-family housing complex. It is important to note that all plants listed are perennials, which means they do not need to be replanted each year. Hydrangeas do extremely well in the Idaho soil as does Rose of Sharon—which will bloom late in the season for added color. These plants, if planted in early March or April, can be pruned back in November. They require little to average water and are easy to maintain.
Plantings for the First Concept Design Included: Artemisia (Valerie Finnis) a silver gray ground cover with white flowers, Rose of Sharon, Blue Satin (which can reach 4 feet tall; but is easily pruned), Limelight Hydrangea (these start off white, and gradually become light pink—however the color depends on the variety, sulfur content in the soil and how they are maintained), and Lavender Salvia OR Anise Hyssop Golden Jubilee.
Plantings for the Second Concept Design Included: Limelight Hydrangea, Rose of Sharon, Blue Satin, White Coneflower, Golden Yarrow, Lavender Salvia or Anise Hyssop Golden Jubilee.
Plantings for the Third Concept Design Included: Limelight Hydrangea, Rose of Sharon, Red Coneflower, Golden Yarrow, Lavender Salvia or Anise Hyssop Golden Jubilee, and Burning Bush (in Fall bloom).